Simple tricks to become well known on Instagram

Simple tricks to become well known on Instagram

According to a recent study, Instagram’s active users are 800 million and it is one of the most famous social media channels. That’s not it! The interaction rate is higher than any other social means. That is the main reason why brands are approaching influencers on Instagram. So, if you want to be famous on the internet, the best option is Instagram.

Do you know, the fact is that the growth rate of followers on Instagram is higher than any other social media platform. And the influencers on other channels are assuring it as the best and considering as number one among all. If you want to become famous on Instagram, you should see Claudia Garcia, rising beauty and fashion influencer.

While you look at the profiles of Instagram influencers, you may think that their life is easy but that’s not the case. That is more difficult than you think.

Here are some of the tips below if you want to be Instagram famous.

Your own profile photo is much better

The first thing that anyone notices in your profile is your profile picture. If somebody is visiting your profile he/she is gonna remember you by your picture which you have uploaded on your profile. So, it is highly recommended to put the best picture on your profile to get noticed. When people visit your profile they want to know you. It is needed that you personalize your profile instead of putting a logo on it. Have you noticed? People that are famous have their own pictures on their profiles.

Your followers want to see YOU

It’s true that people follow influencers because of their work. Like if they are photographers or fashion bloggers, people will see if their content or photographs are worth following then they will follow influencers. But most importantly they want you. You need to show yourself as well. In fact, recent studies have shown that photos that contain a face of a person have 38% more chances to be liked than a photo without it.

Engagement with followers is necessary

In order to be a famous influencer and want to have more followers, you need to engage with people. For instance, if you want comments on your post, ask a question. Or you want your followers to click on the link then you have to give the reason to them, why should they? The more interaction more your page will grow. You just need to pay attention to some of the things and you will be amazed by the results.

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